The difference of a Credit Card and Debit Card are quite simple.
Debit cards are for using funds that are already in your checking or savings account.
A Credit Card can be used even if you don’t have the funds to pay for it in your account right this moment, but are required to pay it off at a later time.
But when using your debit card, sometimes you are asked if you would like debit or credit.
You are not being asked if you are using a debit card or credit card but rather when you would like the funds to be processed.
When using a debit card as debit, you must input your PIN number.
The funds are then processed real time and will come out of your bank account at that moment.
When using a debit card as credit, the banks would check if you have enough funds in your bank account in the moment,
but the funds will be processed later with the rest of the credit card transactions for that day.
At the end of the day when the batches are settled, the funds will be processed and you will see a deduction in your bank account in 1-2 days.
Since a debit card is for funds that already is present in your account, if you do not have enough balance, the card will be declined regardless of processing it as a credit or debit.
Because difference is quite minimal, in order to avoid high contact surfaces like the pin pad used for debit cards, it may be beneficial to process the debit cards as credits.